

When there is a proposal to make changes to the Dora Vota blockchain, the proposal has to go through governance. Unlike many other Cosmos appchains, Dora Vota does not have inflation or a token pool for distribution via governance. Therefore, governance on Dora Vota only focuses on changes to the blockchain itself and is voted on by Dora Vota’s validators.

Anyone can create a governance proposal on Dora Vota. To submit a governance proposal, you have to draft the proposal and propose it on-chain. To advance the proposal to the voting phase, a deposit is required.

Submit a proposal

To submit a new proposal on Vota, you can send a transaction with the proposal details and a deposit amount. This deposit amount can be any amount, but until the overall deposit amount meets the MinDeposit (the minimum required to enter voting), the proposal will remain in the deposit period.


A submit-proposal transaction must include a nonzero positive deposit amount.

You can execute the following command to submit a proposal:

$ dorad tx gov submit-proposal path/to/proposal.json

Where the example proposal.json contains:

  // Array of proto-JSON-encoded sdk.Msgs
  "messages": [
      "@type": "/",
      "from_address": "dora1...",
      "to_address": "dora1...",
      "amount": [{ "denom": "peaka", "amount": "10" }]
  // Metadata can be any of base64 encoded, raw text, stringified json, IPFS link to json
  // See below for example `metadata`
  "metadata": "4pIMOgIGx1vZGU=",
  "deposit": "10peaka",
  "title": "My proposal",
  "summary": "A short summary of my proposal"

An example of metadata:

  "title": "",
  "authors": [""],
  "summary": "",
  "details": "",
  "proposal_forum_url": "",
  "vote_option_context": ""

Example: a proposal to update max validator set

Here we will show an example about how to change the max validator set size. You can edit the proposal.json like this:

  "title": "Param change for MaxValidators",
  "description": "Increasing the MaxValidators parameter",
  "summary": "Update validator set",
  "metadata": "xxxx",
  "messages": [
      "@type": "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgUpdateParams",
      "authority": "dora10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700jeckgp9",
      "params": {
        "bond_denom": "peaka",
        "historical_entries": "10000",
        "max_entries": "7",
        "max_validators": "100",
        "min_commission_rate": "0.000000000000000000",
        "unbonding_time": "1814400s"
  "deposit": "100000000000000000000000peaka"

The above proposal changes the max_validators to 100 and the other parameter staking is unchanged. authority is the gov module account of Vota Mainnet that has the authority to modify the parameters of the staking module.

Query for proposal information

You can also view existing proposal details and the state of the proposal (deposit period, voting period, etc) by querying for a specific proposal id with this command:

$ dorad query gov proposal {proposal_id}

You can also query for the proposer for a specified proposal to view the address that initially submitted the proposal:

$ dorad query gov proposer {proposal_id}

Deposit to a proposal

If a created proposal is in deposit period, you can add deposit to that proposal so that it could enter the voting period.


If a proposal fails to meet MinDeposit before the deposit period ends, all deposits will be burned. The MinDeposit of Vota Mainnet is 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 peaka, i.e., 100,000 DORA.

You can execute this command to contribute deposit to anyone proposal:

$ dorad tx gov deposit {proposal_id} {deposit_amount} --from {your_key}

Query for deposit status

A user can query for a deposit made by a specific address on a specific proposal. This can be used to see your current deposit amount or to see the amount another account deposited.

$ dorad query gov deposit {proposal_id} {depositor_addr}

You can also query all deposits made for a proposal with a separate query command:

$ dorad query gov deposits {proposal_id}

Vote for a proposal

This allows an address to vote on a specified proposal. There are four voting options:

  • yes
  • no
  • abstain
  • no_with_veto

You can vote with this command:

$ dorad tx gov vote {proposal_id} {vote_option} --from {voter_key}

Query for proposal status

Use the following command to return the current vote tally for a proposal_id provided:

$ dorad query gov tally {proposal_id}

Use this command to return all the votes on the specified proposal:

$ dorad query gov votes {proposal_id}