Run aMACI Operator Service

How to Run aMACI Operator Service on vota-sf Testnet


Hardware requirements

  • CPU: 8 cores
  • Memory: 16 GB
  • Disk: 100 GB

Software requirements

Create an aMACI operator account


Make sure you have backed up the MNEMONIC of this account which is the only method to recover your wallet. Also, it will be used when initiating aMACI operator service.

This account will be used later to register as an aMACI operator.

export ACCOUNT_NAME=maci-operator
dorad keys add $ACCOUNT_NAME

Register an aMACI operator on vota-sf

Stake 20 DORA to register as aMACI operator with your aMACI operator account:

dorad tx wasm execute dora17p9rzwnnfxcjp32un9ug7yhhzgtkhvl9jfksztgw5uh69wac2pgsnah3h8 '{"register": {} }' \
--from maci-operator  \
--amount "20000000000000000000peaka" \
--chain-id "vota-sf" \
--gas-prices 100000000000peaka \
--gas auto \
--gas-adjustment 1.5 \
--node \

Query whether your aMACI operator has been created successfully

dorad query wasm contract-state smart dora17p9rzwnnfxcjp32un9ug7yhhzgtkhvl9jfksztgw5uh69wac2pgsnah3h8  '{ "is_maci_operator": { "address": <your_account_address> } }' --node

If terminal shows true, it means the aMACI operator creation is successful.

data: true

Build aMACI operator service

git clone && cd maci-operator
npm install
npm run build

Initiate aMACI operator service

Before configuring environment variables, please make sure you have navigated to the /maci-operator directory.

Create your own environment variables file

cp .env.template .env

Generate your coordinator public and private key


Please back up the generated public and private keys.

node dist/gen-key.js

Next, enter the public key into our coordinator public key collection form (opens in a new tab). For example, the format of the public key:

X: 16429304017412205675820866000313944904446810339972042319485432996531286181952
Y: 5572999208344294573488778747734990567557173306854827005273539480127951622273

Config your MNEMONIC and coordinator private key

  • Enter the mnemonic of the previously generated aMACI operator account into the MNEMONIC field in your .env file.
  • Enter the coordinator private key generated in the previous step into the COORDINATOR_PRI_KEY field in your .env file.

Initiate aMACI operator service

npm run init

Setup aMACI operator service

Create the definition file

Create the definition file in /etc/systemd/system/amaci.service.

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node dist/index.js
  • <USER>: Enter the user (likely your username or root, unless you created a user specifically for A-MACI operator service).
  • <PATH_TO_maci-operator>: Enter the path to the maci-operator directory, which is likely /home/ubuntu/maci-operator.

Run the program upon startup

After registering amaci as a system service, you can set the program to run upon startup.

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable amaci

Start the service and check the log

sudo systemctl start amaci
sudo journalctl -u amaci -f --no-hostname -o cat

If it started successfully, you will see many similar logs like this:

[DO]: inspect
[TASK inspect] find rounds count: 0/0
[DO]: inspect
[TASK inspect] find rounds count: 0/0
[DO]: inspect

What is the aMACI operator service doing?

  • The aMACI operator service periodically checks aMACI rounds that need to be processed on the vota-sf testnet.
  • The aMACI operator service logs processed aMACI round information and other data in the /maci-operator/work directory.